
Welcome, friends
Driven by the vast cosmic of society, Tujusemesta is built with the hope to establish supportive ecosystem endlessly.

Tujusemesta was inspired from the universe, which provides a variety of beauty. It is inspire us for a design process. The extent of the universe provides an opportunity to continue learning about new things and brought us to many types of design and open to collaborate.
Tujusemesta rises not only to make a living on our behalves, but also to give positive impacts to whoever and whatever that live along with us.

Our Happiest Team
Same space with different cosmic, here we’re the people who are ready to dive into your space.

Dream Builder
Andi Abdulqodir

Efficiency Specialist
Randy Dahlan

Studio Caretaker
Arum Kartika

Creative Catalyst
Rizal Fauzi

Design Organizer
Anisa Setiawati

Logic Ranger
Chairun Siregar

Truth Finder
Gina Suci

Esa Apriansyah

Adri Prasetyo

Lavenia Defina

Fajar Wildan

Fast Adapter
Nurman Maulidi

Space Storyteller
Leo Amir

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum